We know many ways to get in shape during the year, but what about ways to sustain it? Without our health, we can’t exercise the way we want or get our work done. Health is wealth. Here are a few ways to keep your health.
EAT RIGHT. Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be thy food. When you fuel your body with the right nutrients, you will feel good. Eat food from the Earth like fruits, vegetables, etc. Stay away from processed foods. A great documentary that exposes processed food is called “Fed Up.” It was a big wake up call for me, because I was a sugar addict. I know many of you can relate. This helped me realize that I needed to stop that now before it was too late.
DRINK WATER (with lemon). Start off your day with 2 glasses of water. Keep your body watered.
BE HOLISTIC. Acupuncture, chiropractic, etc. Do things that allow your body to do its job, which is to heal itself; so allow it to do so.
TAKE SUPPLEMENTS. Our body still needs certain vitamins/nutrients that we don’t get from the foods we eat. A “go to” supplement is Fish Oil. We get plenty of Omega 6’s but not enough Omega 3’s. Another kind of supplement will come from finding out what your body needs. There are many to choose from so seeing a functional doctor that can test the body for what it needs is key. To see what other supplements I take, refer to the wellness page on my site.
STAY ACTIVE. Walk every day. Take the stairs. Stretch. Just keep your body moving. It’s ten times harder to get back into a workout if you have taken a week or two off instead of consistently going 3-5 days a week. Find a routine that works for you, and have fun with it!
LIVE HAPPY. When you give out positive vibes, you will receive them. Positivity is healing. Keep your emotional state happy. It might even help others do the same.
The key is to stay consistent and persistent with your health. We all brush our teeth twice a day, so why don’t we take care of the rest of our bodies every day? Listen to your body. It’s the only one you have in this lifetime.